Water – Assessing L.A.’s and CA’s Supply and Demand

California’s developed water supply, water that is produced or brought into a water system through the efforts of people, comes from three main sources: (1) Snow melt from the Sierra Nevada (2) Local groundwater, and (3) Imported water from the Colorado River basin. See the full memorandum [here].

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Translating Local Appeal

L.A. businesses and facilities should keep Chinese visitors in mind as they work to boost tourism industry. See the full story in the Los Angeles Business Journal [here].

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Higher Education Funding is Unfinished Business for State Legislature

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 By Dick Ackerman and Mel Levine Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins and her colleagues in the Assembly Budget Committee deserve kudos for passing SB872 to restore $100 million in desperately needed funding for California State University and the University of California. The Senate Budget Committee,…

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Transit Projects Would Drive Job Market

LA Business Journal- July 4, 2011 By Michael Kelly The op-ed by Tim Cavanaugh in the June 13 issue of the Business Journal (“Villaraigosa’s 30/10 – Show Me the Money”) was dead wrong. The America Fast Forward plan (formerly 30/10) to speed up transportation funding is a legitimate solution to…

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LA Already Has A Blue Print

L.A. Times Opinion Edition – February 7, 2010 “Now is the time for public officials in Los Angeles to take the Los Angeles Economy & Jobs blueprint for economic growth off the shelf and put its recommendations into action.” [The News Article – PDF]

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